Important:  To assist us in deterring the fraudulent use of credit cards, please fax an enlarged and lightened copy of the FRONT AND BACK OF YOUR CREDIT CARD AND DRIVER'S LICENSE, along with the authorization form below, to .



-- Credit Card Authorization Form --


E Mail Address:             

Confirmation Number:      Date of Service: 

Name (as it appears on credit card): 

Billing Address (where credit card bill is sent):     

City:   State:   ZIP:  

Telephone numbers:

Home:   Work: ext:

Fax:        Cell:


Check one: Visa    MasterCard    Diners    Discover    AMEX

Card Number:    Exp. Date:


  I authorize OCCHEAPLIMOS.COM to charge the credit card specified above the full amount of the service.  In accordance with the terms and conditions between OCCHEAPLIMOS.COM and the undersigned, I fully understand OCCHEAPLIMOS.COM' Cancellation Policy.  I authorize OCCHEAPLIMOS.COM to process all charges accordingly.

  I would like to establish a retail credit card account and authorize OCCHEAPLIMOS.COM to process any charges for all future service. I, the undersigned, authorize OCCHEAPLIMOS.COM to charge the above referenced credit card for transportation and related services which may be rendered through OCCHEAPLIMOS.COM and/or its affiliates.   In accordance with the terms and conditions between OCCHEAPLIMOS.COM and the undersigned, I fully understand OCCHEAPLIMOS.COM Cancellation Policy.  I authorize OCCHEAPLIMOS.COM to process all charges accordingly.

Please print Form then sign actual signature, date and fax.

Signature: ----------------------------------------------------------------        Date: ----------------------

            Name:    Phone #: